Our electrical installation services are called upon for a wide range of electrical projects. So when our client Axis Europe engaged us for an electrical heating upgrade project we quickly attended site. In this case, the premises was an assisted living care home in Essex which requires special considerations to the occupants. Initially, we carried out an asset survey of the different sizes of storage heaters as all properties had different layouts. Furthermore, we had to survey On-Peak & off Peak supply availability to the properties. The on-peak supply was now required for the new Lot 20 Newlec Storage heaters unlike those being replaced.
Electrical Installation Works
Before the electrical installation works can commence the works pack and RAMS have to be complete. All materials required have to be evaluated and ordered so that they are available as required by our electricians. Furthermore, a project plan has to be agreed so that all parties involved with the project are fully informed. Secondly, we set up of a safe site with two skips one for metal Recycling & one for general waste. This area was Herras fenced off, signed and coned for safety to the public.
Two teams were assigned to the electrical installation works with 1 electrician and 1 apprentice in each team per flat. Firstly the removal of the old storage heaters and safely disposing of them in the provided skips was carried out. Some properties required the installation of electrical wiring to provide the On-Peak supply. The new Storage heaters complete with new energy cells provide increased energy efficiency. Most importantly being lot 20 compliant an EU wide regulation aimed at the UK meeting a 20% carbon emission reduction by 2020.
Electrical Certificate
Once the works in each individual assisted living flat was complete our electricians completed the following:-
- Programming of the storage heaters timer to the tenant’s needs
- Handover and taking time showing each tenant how to use the heaters
- Issue a minor works cert for each replacement storage heater
- If a new circuit was required to be installed then complete an EIC
- Clean down each flat leaving it with the works complete to the client and tenants satisfaction.
The electrical certificates completed electronically on an I Pad at the end of the electrical installation and instantly uploaded. As an NICEIC approved electrical contractor our works are checked and independently verified by an annual NICEIC inspection.
Electrical Services Essex
Our electrical services have supported several main contractors social housing contracts in Essex and London since 2015. Providing fixed price electrical installation services allows us to carry out works fast and efficiently. The works range for day to day, planned works and emergency 24/7 electrical repairs services. Our project support team schedule all works to meet the client’s requirements controlling the efficient deployment of our electricians.
Health and safety for electrical installation
Our works being carried out safely by our personnel is of paramount importance to us. So we have a full-time health and safety manager who advises us and prepares the RAMS for each specific job. Our engineers are fully trained in the health and safety areas identified as required for the work they carry out. This is extremely important when they are carrying out works in occupied, public and live environments.