Landlords have a legal responsibility for the safety of their tenants and keeping their properties safe. Therefore, it’s important for all landlords to engage a reliable and qualified company for electrical testing to keep their properties compliant.
Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarms
In England, landlords have a legal requirement that all of their rental properties follow the government’s regulations for Smoke & Carbon Monoxide alarms. If you are a landlord you need a professional company that can provide the expertise and the required services.
It is extremely important that the properties Smoke and Carbon Monoxide detectors are fitted and working. Carbon Monoxide is a colourless odorless and tasteless gas that can be produced by gas boilers. Improperly ventilated appliances may allow carbon monoxide to build up to dangerous levels. Prolonged significant exposure to carbon monoxide can cause serious complications, including brain damage and heart problems. In very severe cases, it can result in death. So regular checks are vital to ensure that the building occupants are being protected and alerted if this gas is present.
There are around 50,000 fires in homes per year resulting in the deaths of 500 and over 11,000 injuries. Smoke alarms offer an early warning and the chance for occupants to safely evacuate the building before the fire and smoke overwhelm them. These alarms need to be fitted around the house and tested and maintained regularly to provide the required protection.
We are Aico Expert Installers which allows us to install and maintain their range of Domestic Smoke / CO alarms. Aico’s outstanding product range allows us to install what your property needs in terms of fire and carbon monoxide protection. It is important that the products we supply are from a company with a reputation for reliability and innovation. This allows us to confidently provide landlords with the very best products. Furthermore, Aico vast range allows us to install solutions for single & Multiple properties with options for asset management systems.
Smoke Alarm Installation
Our planned and reactive electrical services provide landlords with the perfect solution to keep their properties compliant and tenants safe. We carry out landlords electrical testing for the safety certificate and checking and replacing smoke alarms are often required to be included. If you have a new property for rental then we can fully install the required smoke & CO detection system.
Landlord with multiple properties has the challenge to ensure the detection is working and has not been tampered with by the tenant. So here is a solution that we can now offer a SmartLINK which receives data from the RF devices (detectors) and transmits over the GSM network to you.
This allows you to monitor and be notified of events such as:
- Fire Alarm
- CO level detected ( High / Medium/ Low)
- Button Test
- Mains Absent Fault
- Head OK
- Head Removed
- End of life
This can be installed on your phone (Android & iOS) so you always have the live status information for your properties.
Landlords Safety Certificate – Electrical Testing
The electrical safety standards for the private rented sector in England came into force on 1 June 2020 and applies to all new tenancies from 1 July 2020 and all existing tenancies from 1 April 2021. The regulation sets out new rules for landlords to ensure all fixed electrical installations are safe and maintained correctly. For information on the Private, Rented Sector Scheme click here.
The inspection and electrical testing should usually be performed by a company that is part of the competent person scheme. Project Skills Solutions are approved under the NICEIC scheme to carry out electrical testing for a landlord’s electrical safety certificate.
Talk to us if you have a property portfolio we can provide a total solution including
- Access Control Systems
- Workplace Access Control management
- Electrical Installation & Fit-Outs
- Electrical Testing & Fixed wire inspection services
- Led Lighting Solutions
- Electric Vehicle Charging Solutions